
Gatsby Chocolate Review

If you haven’t heard, there’s new low-calorie chocolate on the block…Gatsby Chocolate. Thanks to the algorithm of Instagram, I stumbled across this gloriously low-calorie, low-sugar, tantalizing chocolate. I am normally a tad skeptical about products that pop up on my Instagram, but during my cut, it had me very intrigued. I decided to buy some and try them out so without further ado, here is my review on the Dark Chocolate Almond bar, the Peanut Butter Madness bar, White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, and the Cookies & Cream bar.

Let’s start with the basics:

The co-founder of the company is the guy that is also the co-founder of Halo Top ice cream. He and his team decided if they could make low-calorie ice cream, why not try to make low-calorie chocolate? Each bar varies from 210 calories – 220 calories and there are 3 servings in each bar. The peanut butter cups are 50 calories each and there are two servings in a pack. All of their products have anywhere from 1g – 5g of sugar in each serving. Everything is sweetened with a zero-calorie sweetener called Allulose. There is also a bit of stevia used in their chocolate, but I find it’s one of the very last ingredients on most of their products. Though these are advertised as Keto-approved, I am not well-versed in the Keto Diet, so I have no idea if the macros are considered Keto Friendly.

What is Allulose?

What is allulose? Health benefits and possible risks

Allulose is a natural sugar (chemically close to regular table sugar) found in plants and foods in small amounts. It is about 70% as sweet as sugar, so you do need more of it if using it as a replacement for table sugar. It isn’t absorbed into your body, so bye-bye calories. Unfortunately, the Allulose found in stores is not in its natural form. From what I understand, it has been created artificially by food scientists. Of course, it’s FDA approved though lol. I don’t think it gives an aftertaste as regular artificial sweeteners do and I did not have any gas or bloating problems (which I usually do from artificial sweeteners).

The Dark Chocolate Almond Bar:

The Dark Chocolate Almond bar really hit the spot for me when I was craving chocolate. The dark chocolate flavor was on point. This bar has bits of almond throughout the bar without the almond flavor overpowering the chocolate. I personally like dark chocolate and there was not a funky taste or aftertaste from the Allulose or any other ingredients. I enjoyed this bar. Would I purchase it again? Probably, but I really want to try their Milk Chocolate and Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Bars first. This bar clocks in at 210 calories, 15g of fat, 40g of carbs (6g of net carbs per their website), 7g of sugar, and 9g of protein.

The Peanut Butter Madness Bar:

Peanut Butter Madness

Girrrrlllll, let me tell you I really liked this bar! Melts right in your mouth. Both my husband and I enjoyed it. It has a little sweet and salty feel from the peanut butter. It tasted like what a chocolate bar made from peanut butter should taste. Little bits of peanuts throughout the bar and I will definitely be buying this bar again! The whole bar is 220 calories, 13g of fat, 38g of carbs (15g of net carbs per their site),  11g of sugars, and 9g of protein. Perfectly hit the spot for my peanut butter craving when I couldn’t eat a lot of real peanut butter.

The White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups:

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Between the Peanut Butter Madness and these bad boys, I still go back and forth on which one I like better. I will say the one thing that is extremely disappointing is that there is only a thin layer of peanut butter. I am not sure if it is this way for all of their peanut butter cups, but I was like, “Uhhh where is the rest of the peanut butter?” This white chocolate is obviously not true white chocolate, but I admit I am pretty picky about white chocolate. With that being said I still really liked these cups! I thought they tasted great and I was a-okay with eating these cups over 220 calories for two peanut butter cups from other companies. Each cup is 50 calories, 3.5g of fat, 10g of carbs (3g of net carbs per their site), 2g of sugars, and 2g of protein (double these macros for a two-pack). Not too shabby!

The Cookies and Cream Bar:

I picked this bar up from Walmart because Gatsby just started selling their bars in big retailers. I was excited to try this bar because I had heard great things about it. Looked like a Hershey’s Cookies and Cream bar, but oh my word, it did not taste like it at all. I will give Gatsby this, it has a good crunch to it because of the bits of chocolate cookie. I was expecting it to be creamy, but then I reminded myself these low-calorie chocolates are not going to be as creamy as regular brands. Their site does say velvety texture, but I have to disagree. I did have the thought, “Wait a min…the Peanut Butter Madness one just melted right in your mouth!” and this was just not the same at all. This bar is 210 calories, 11g of fat, 46g of total carbs (15g of net carbs per their site), and 3g of protein. It also weirdly tasted fruity. My husband caught it first and then I was like oh that’s the weird flavor I am tasting. No Bueno for us.


I think they have a good thing going for this company. They just recently launched an Oatmilk Salted Almond & Oatmilk Crunch bar. I look forward to trying those as well as the other peanut butter cups and the other chocolate bars I haven’t tried yet. Let me tell you, I am most pumped to try their Candy Cane Crunch! I just saw that on the site today and it’s getting ready to launch soon. I am really hoping it will be amazing compared to the Cookies and Cream Bar.

Wanna get 50% off your first order?

If you are interested in trying Gatsby chocolate, use the discount code FIT50 in the coupon area at check out which will save you 50% off your first order! Leave a comment below and tell me what you think when you try them out or if you already did.

*Disclaimer* Keep an open mind if you are not big on the taste of low-calorie snacks/foods! This stuff isn’t for everyone, but for us fitness gurus it definitely helps!

I hope you enjoyed this review and I look forward to sharing more reviews with you!



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